Thursday, February 14, 2008

Are You Insured?

When one is young, he doesn’t really concern himself about insurance, as if death and tragedy exempts those who have not yet lived life fully. But for practicality, it is the best time to buy one when you are young and healthy. Premiums are low.

So, are you insured? If your one dollar buys $50,000 “no medical exam” life insurance, wouldn’t you grab the opportunity? It’s actually a protection for the family left behind in cases of untimely death. Buying one is a very important choice.

Term life insurance is the most basic and simplest of all life insurance. You pay premium on the period that you are covered. Whole life insurance protects the beneficiary and it also builds up cash value. The insurer can loan against that cash value.

Most insurance companies let you undergo medical examinations. Your health is considered as a factor in computing the premium. But there are others that offer “No Medical Exam” life insurance packages. You only have to answer some checklists though. But nevertheless, it’s hassle-free. It’s time to think about getting insurance now.

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